Monday, 22 April 2013

I'm back!

It's been over a month since my last post.  Terrible!

Here's a cover of Tori Amos' "Cornflake Girl".  This was an interesting exercise for me.  Stripping that crazy layered song down to just some crunchy power chords and one vocal line was a challenge but fun.  I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed covering it.

It's all your fault, Mr. Bird.  I'm no Hendrix but I hope you'll still dig it.  Thank you for inspiring me.


  1. You're so fabulously badass. LOVE IT.

  2. !!!!!!!!!!

    This brings me such joy. I have always heard "Cornflake Girl" as a really smokin' PJ Harvey song that somehow got delivered to Tori Amos' house by accident. Your version is how I hear it in my head. You've stripped it down to the power-chord crunch it deserves.

    This makes me so happy. And you've inspired me in turn. Thank you.

  3. I find so much comfort in how you do this song, Maria. I keep coming back to listen to it when I feel the need to wind down. Haha. I love it!
