Last night a relatively new, but dear, friend asked me if this (playing/sharing music) was something I've always wanted. The answer found itself quickly on my lips: Yes. Yes, more than anything in the whole wide world.
The question got me thinking: Being a musician is how I identify myself. It's who and what I am. It defines me more than any other part of me. It has since I got my little red Global guitar at age 4. It has since I was singing into clothespins in my Nonnie's basement to entertain the guests at Easter dinner. It has since I saw Jose Feliciano (don't laugh! i was 5!) playing guitar and singing on an early 70's variety show and decided I had to do that. I am many things but, first and foremost, I am a musician. Always. But, since I've hidden it away for so long I don't think it's how others, especially the relatively new folks in my life, see me (I'm not talking to/about the friend who posed the question...her question just got me thinking). I mean, everyone knows I teach and play but who has seen it firsthand? Not many.
But that's gonna change.
I hope.
Because I want this more than anything.
As soon as I can decide on a song, I will post a new video. I'm still seeking special guests to help me out so speak up if you wanna be a part of this soon to be epically famous (har har) video series!
I would LOVE to one day collaborate with you, Sensei!